Tuesday, March 1, 2011

If You're a hand grenade, I'll pull the pin.

So I've been thinking lately. Shocker. I know. BUT. I've been thinking about Jesus. I think out minds were created to think about Jesus. Like. That's that. End of story. You know what I mean? I suppose if the dude created it then He deserves to be on it a lot. ANYWAYS. As I said already. I'VE BEEN THINKING. I'm a messed up dude. Like. I honestly am. I am in no way perfect. I have a jacked up mind. A messed up heart. And a screwed up soul. I struggle with depression, oppression, jealousy, hatred, sadness, hurt and anger like the rest of us. It's something that follows us in this world.

NOW. If you're a troubled teen like myself then most likely the reaction you would get from me talking about the death and resurrection of Christ is nothing more than the reaction of a bag of potato chips. Am I right? That whole story is watered down and to some it's painful to hear it over and over again. Sorta like Easter Sunday on repeat minus the candy. Painful.
You have to look at this in depth. And by in depth I don't mean history, definition sorta stuff. I mean. Raw, bloody, bright depth.

Imagine this.
Jesus. A weird dude comes up to you and says nothing but you know deep down inside He holds a love that can't even be perceived in the human mind. Imagine you sitting there watching Him tied to a post with whips at His back. Like. You think dissecting a frog in Biology is gross. Raw flesh is being ripped off His back all the while you're staring like dumbfounded ghost. Next you see Him walking with a cross on His back up a hill. The nails are forced through His hands. He's just hanging there like He planned on that happening. But the part that will strike a chord in you somewhere is that you were ALWAYS on His mind through it all. It doesn't matter if you wanted to be on His mind or not. You were no matter what. No matter how much you've gone through. No matter what pain you've experienced. No matter what you struggle with or have to fight through everyday. Jesus has you on His mind. It still sounds watered down to me.

He loves you.

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