Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the Way...

Lately I've been realllllllllllllllllllllllllllly Tired. Not just physically tired. But spiritually and mentally wiped out. I don't know why. Everything is tiring. I'm drained from school and family and not being able to see my friends as much as I want. I need to be super charged spiritually, and emotionally I have no room to complain or argue my case because I am quite stable compared to my friends. But I still feel tired. I don't hate life. My life is actually pretty good. I hear the song How He Loves and want to start crying and weeping. I think I'm homesick. I long to be in the arms of the One who created me... Creation is so ridiculous to think about. David didn't lie when he said that God knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb. To think that God, a Man who know's and loves us and of whom we will never understand or comprehend, pulled us out of darkness and sparked our hearts from His. It's so raw and beautiful. It makes me homesick because I know that one day I'm going to be back in His arms. I know that no matter what happens, in the end I'll be His and only His. I'll no longer be tired.

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