Saturday, September 25, 2010

Learning To Breathe...

Last night I was at this place called The Prayer Furnace in Fredricksburg out here in Virginia. It's awesome. Everyone there is so dear to me. I love it. But last night was realllllllly weird. I was standing there because there is no room to sit most of the time. And the worship music was blaring and it was at least 95 degrees in there. And I couldn't stand it. I had to breathe. I had to have silence. I walked out of the room and went outside and sat on my brothers car. I took out my mp3 player and put on some John Mark McMillan. I just sat and stared out at the stars. I couldn't stop my mind from running around in circles. As of this moment and a couple weeks prior, I'be been confused about being confused. I'm confused about some many things, God, my life, the whole "Love is the answer" concept. I can't wrap my mind around any of it. I sat there on the hood of Matt's little Nissan and wondered what I would do if I had it all figured out. Eventually after about fifteen minutes I saw a shooting star and made a wish. I don't know why I wished. I knew it wouldn't come true. Then I sat there and thought "what am I going to do?". Love is something you can't wrap your head around. God is something you can't wrap your head around. Your life is something you can't wrap your head around, except for the fact you're alive. It's annoying of course. But it's the process of being closer to Jesus Himself. We're all just learning to breathe...