Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Want To Love You


I'm a college student.
Sort of.
I take college classes.
I don't fall into the category of the typical community college pot smoker/smoker/person that enjoy the concept of smoking/person that enjoys drinking/person that still gets grounded by their parents/sex crazed/ "I will eat this cigarette butt for 3 bucks." person.

The amount of immaturity out there really baffles me.

However I'm reaaaaaally good at making Ramen Noodles in microwaves now...

Despite all the immaturity that follows me around in this swirling mess of a world, I find a lot of conviction and guilt.

I'm not one for being the typical Christian. But when I'm not that "pray every day and talk to people about Jesus" kind of person then I'm no person at all. I'm just a shell. A tall, rather skinny, and odd smelling shell. A   snail could live in me if it so desired. I'm that shellie.

I'm a shell because I was made to show others who God is, and every single day I'm alive, I fail at that.

God created us human beings to proclaim His name. Even if it means being uncomfortable or awkward. I found a victory the other day when a non Christian friend of mine asked me why I lost my voice. I told her I had lost it in church. Because I like singing to Jesus. She looked at me funny then told me she didn't like church. Then she at a muffin.

All conversation after that was hopeless but I'm glad I had enough courage to say that I love Jesus.

I don't know why I'm writing this. I honestly don't. I probably saw in a movie somewhere that writing your thoughts out can get you rich and famous. Or it enlightens you and then BAM! You're Gandhi.

But no. I just ate chocolate and then decided to brush my teeth so now my mouth is some sort of chemical farm that tastes like a mixture of old pennies and those dinner rolls from Golden Corral.

My point is.

God created us. God created us to be like Him. We need to be like Him. We could be the only bit of God that people will see in this world. We could be the only sort of love or boldness someone is changed by. We can't just be some bones walking around showing people that we give money to churches that don't need it or the people that throw pizza parties when we think someone is going to kill themselves.

We need to be bold.
Very bold.
So that our boldness destroys walls that Satan has put up in peoples' hearts.
So that our courage brings light into dark places.
So that our love heals those that have been broken.

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